analytical | bioanalytical | biochemistry | biophysical | inorganic | nanochemistry | organic | organometallic | physical | polymer | synthesis | theoretical
Kari B. Basso
ScientistJohn A. Bowden
Associate Professor, Joint Faculty, ChemistryY. Charles Cao
ProfessorAustin M. Evans
Assistant ProfessorTimothy J. Garrett
Associate Professor, Joint FacultyFan Hong
Assistant ProfessorCharles R. Martin
Crow and Distinguished ProfessorNicolo Omenetto
Research ProfessorBoone M. Prentice
Assistant ProfessorAnna Brajter Toth
EmeritusW. David Wei
ProfessorRichard A. Yost
Professor EmeritusYong Zeng
Colonel Allen R. and Margaret G. Crow Term Professoranalytical | bioanalytical | biochemistry | biophysical | inorganic | nanochemistry | organic | organometallic | physical | polymer | synthesis | theoretical
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Kari B. Basso
ScientistJohn A. Bowden
Associate Professor, Joint Faculty, ChemistryY. Charles Cao
ProfessorGail E. Fanucci
ProfessorTimothy J. Garrett
Associate Professor, Joint FacultyMichael E. Harris
ProfessorFan Hong
Assistant ProfessorCharles R. Martin
Crow and Distinguished ProfessorBoone M. Prentice
Assistant ProfessorAnna Brajter Toth
EmeritusRichard A. Yost
Professor EmeritusYong Zeng
Colonel Allen R. and Margaret G. Crow Term Professoranalytical | bioanalytical | biochemistry | biophysical | inorganic | nanochemistry | organic | organometallic | physical | polymer | synthesis | theoretical
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Steven D. Bruner
ProfessorRebecca A. Butcher
Associate ProfessorCoray Colina
Professor EmeritusMatthew Eddy
Assistant ProfessorGail E. Fanucci
ProfessorZhongwu Guo
Professor and Scott ChairMichael E. Harris
ProfessorFan Hong
Assistant ProfessorSandra Loesgen
Associate ProfessorAmal Narayanan
Assistant ProfessorAlberto Perez
Assistant ProfessorBoone M. Prentice
Assistant ProfessorJeffrey D. Rudolf
Assistant ProfessorJon D. Stewart
ProfessorFeng Tang
Assistant Professoranalytical | bioanalytical | biochemistry | biophysical | inorganic | nanochemistry | organic | organometallic | physical | polymer | synthesis | theoretical
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Alexander Angerhofer
ProfessorCoray Colina
Professor EmeritusGail E. Fanucci
ProfessorMichael E. Harris
ProfessorValeria D. Kleiman
ProfessorAlberto Perez
Assistant ProfessorBoone M. Prentice
Assistant ProfessorAdrian E. Roitberg
Frank E. Harris Professoranalytical | bioanalytical | biochemistry | biophysical | inorganic | nanochemistry | organic | organometallic | physical | polymer | synthesis | theoretical
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analytical | bioanalytical | biochemistry | biophysical | inorganic | nanochemistry | organic | organometallic | physical | polymer | synthesis | theoretical
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Clifford R. Bowers
ProfessorY. Charles Cao
ProfessorRonald K. Castellano
Steven M. and Rebecca J. Scott Term Professor, ChairGeorge Christou
Drago and Distinguished ProfessorValeria D. Kleiman
ProfessorMingjie Liu
Assistant ProfessorCharles R. Martin
Crow and Distinguished ProfessorDaniel A. Savin
Associate ProfessorBrent S. Sumerlin
George B. Butler ProfessorW. David Wei
ProfessorYong Zeng
Colonel Allen R. and Margaret G. Crow Term Professoranalytical | bioanalytical | biochemistry | biophysical | inorganic | nanochemistry | organic | organometallic | physical | polymer | synthesis | theoretical
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Steven D. Bruner
ProfessorRonald K. Castellano
Steven M. and Rebecca J. Scott Term Professor, ChairCoray Colina
Professor EmeritusTammy A. Davidson
Instructional Professor, Director of Undergraduate Organic ChemistryMatthew Eddy
Assistant ProfessorAustin M. Evans
Assistant ProfessorIon Ghiviriga
ScientistZhongwu Guo
Professor and Scott ChairStefanie Habenicht
Assistant Instructional ProfessorSandra Loesgen
Associate ProfessorAmal Narayanan
Assistant ProfessorJason Portmess
Instructional ProfessorJeffrey D. Rudolf
Assistant ProfessorDaniel Seidel
Katritzky Term Professor in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Interim Division HeadJon D. Stewart
ProfessorBrent S. Sumerlin
George B. Butler Professoranalytical | bioanalytical | biochemistry | biophysical | inorganic | nanochemistry | organic | organometallic | physical | polymer | synthesis | theoretical
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analytical | bioanalytical | biochemistry | biophysical | inorganic | nanochemistry | organic | organometallic | physical | polymer | synthesis | theoretical
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Alexander Angerhofer
ProfessorRodney J. Bartlett
Graduate Research ProfessorClifford R. Bowers
ProfessorPhilip J. Brucat
Associate ProfessorGeorge Christou
Drago and Distinguished ProfessorCoray Colina
Professor EmeritusErik Deumens
ScientistMatthew Eddy
Assistant ProfessorAustin M. Evans
Assistant ProfessorGail E. Fanucci
ProfessorValeria D. Kleiman
ProfessorMingjie Liu
Assistant ProfessorDavid A. Micha
Professor EmeritusRamon A Miranda Quintana
Assistant ProfessorAlberto Perez
Assistant ProfessorAdrian E. Roitberg
Frank E. Harris ProfessorDaniel A. Savin
Associate ProfessorJohn F. Stanton
William R. Kenan Professor and Division ChairJason F. Weaver
Affiliate ProfessorW. David Wei
Professoranalytical | bioanalytical | biochemistry | biophysical | inorganic | nanochemistry | organic | organometallic | physical | polymer | synthesis | theoretical
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Ronald K. Castellano
Steven M. and Rebecca J. Scott Term Professor, ChairCoray Colina
Professor EmeritusAustin M. Evans
Assistant ProfessorGail E. Fanucci
ProfessorAmal Narayanan
Assistant ProfessorDaniel A. Savin
Associate ProfessorBrent S. Sumerlin
George B. Butler ProfessorKenneth B. Wagener
Butler Professor Emeritusanalytical | bioanalytical | biochemistry | biophysical | inorganic | nanochemistry | organic | organometallic | physical | polymer | synthesis | theoretical
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Steven D. Bruner
ProfessorRebecca A. Butcher
Associate ProfessorRonald K. Castellano
Steven M. and Rebecca J. Scott Term Professor, ChairGeorge Christou
Drago and Distinguished ProfessorAustin M. Evans
Assistant ProfessorZhongwu Guo
Professor and Scott ChairDaniel A. Savin
Associate ProfessorDaniel Seidel
Katritzky Term Professor in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Interim Division HeadJon D. Stewart
ProfessorBrent S. Sumerlin
George B. Butler Professoranalytical | bioanalytical | biochemistry | biophysical | inorganic | nanochemistry | organic | organometallic | physical | polymer | synthesis | theoretical
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