
Kenneth B. Wagener

Butler Professor Emeritus University of FloridaChemistry – Division of Organic Chemistry
Work Phone: 352-339-1662 Website:
University of Florida Department of Chemistry PO Box 117200 Gainesville FL 32611 LEI 318
Photo of Kenneth B. Wagener

Biographical Info

The common theme that defines our research relates to synthetic polymer chemistry and how it might be used in creating well defined polymer structures. A large part of our work is devoted metathesis reactions, where the research has been mechanistic in nature. We immerse ourselves in the chemistry associated with creating new polymers, and we also find ourselves interested in modeling well known materials, like polyethylene, to better understand their behavior.


University of Florida, Gainesville. George B. Butler Professor of Polymer Chemistry and Director, Center for Macromolecular Science and Engineering. Teaching, research, and administration related to organic and polymer chemistry. Research group pioneered acyclic diene metathesis (ADMET) polymerization, engaged in synthesis of precision model polymers for polyolefins, biologically directed polymers, morphological investigation of fuel cell membrane polymers, preparation of latent silicon elastomer structures. Joined faculty as Associate Professor of Chemistry in 1984. ADMET reaction now found in textbooks, internationally recognized as an integral part of poly-mer chemistry. 110 Students (undergrad, grad, and postdoc) have passed through research group to date.

Akzo Nobel nv, American Enka Research, Enka, NC. 1973 – 1984. Research Department Head and Technical Director. Directed activities related to polymerizations and structure/property determinations – research in medical membranes, nylon, polyester & cellulose fibers, biopolymers, polymerization catalysis, conductive polymers, poly-mer decomposition, and NMMO solvents for cellulose. Employed in various positions within this Dutch & German corporation. Continuous consulting in Europe with Akzo Nobel and sister companies the past 25 years.

Promoted four times during this eleven year period (Research Department Head; Membrane Research Section Head; Research Scientist, Polymers; Senior Research Chemist) – served as Technical Director /Membrana, Inc. (an AKZO new venture in California), the last position I held prior to entering academics.

University of North Carolina at Asheville, NC 1975 – 1984 Adjunct Professor of Chemistry. Evening teaching of organic and polymer courses (two courses each year) while working at Akzo Nobel during the day.

Categories: all faculty, emeritus, polymer