CHM2045/CHM2095, General Chemistry I or Gen Chem I for Engineers

Please refer to the Catalog for prerequisite information. Registration in CHM2045/2095 requires 1) ALEKS math placement score of 76 or higher OR a C or higher in CHM1025, and 2) college credit (C or higher) in MAC1147 or equivalent or above (MAC2311, etc.).

If a grade <C in CHM1025 is earned, students are required to repeat CHM1025 and cannot test out of the requirement via ALEKS math placement.

The ALEKS math placement test does not confer any math credit – college credit in math is required as a prerequisite and cannot be taken concurrently with general chemistry.

If taking math prerequisites at another institution, the UF math department must evaluate the courses for UF equivalents if the courses have not yet been evaluated. Students can check at for established equivalent courses.

If using math credit by exam (AP, IB, etc.) the exam scores required are posted in the Undergraduate Catalog. Exam credit is required for college credit, completing an AP/IB course does not confer the credits required.

For questions about chemistry placement, please inquire at