John A. Bowden
Associate Professor, Joint Faculty, Chemistry University of FloridaCollege of Veterinary MedicineWork Phone: 352-294-4063 Work Email: Website:
Biographical Info
Our research works on developing novel chemical measurement workflows to study the “life cycle” of chemicals of emerging concern. This includes their distribution in the environment, fate and transport, management and remediation, bio-integration and possible adverse exposure health-related outcomes using novel -omic workflows, biological readouts we are championing as innovative tools for understanding the impact of exposure.
John A. Bowden, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Physiological Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine
+Center for Environmental and Human Toxicology (CEHT)
+Department of Chemistry
+Environmental Engineering Sciences
Physical Address:
VAB Building 1017
1945 SW 16th Ave, V2-215
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32608
Phone: 352-294-4063