Chemical Biology

Division Head:

352 392 0525 SFH 302E

Contact Information:

Chemistry Laboratory Building Room 210
PO Box 117200
Gainesville , Florida 32611-7200
Phone: (352) 392-1369
Fax: (352) 392-4651

About the Division:

Chemistry and biology are steadily merging, and it is at the interface that exciting research occurs, in particular relevant to human health and therapeutics. It is clear that biochemical research will focus increasingly on complex, interdisciplinary questions including how small molecules and biomolecules interact. Students in the biochemistry division receive a background in all branches of chemistry as well as a strong knowledge of biochemistry and molecular biology. Our proximity and interactions with colleagues in our department and throughout the UF campus allow for a cohesive and comprehensive approach to biochemistry that makes for a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. Faculty in the division share the belief that a strong chemical background provides a solid foundation for a career in biological chemistry research. These beliefs guide the design of the courses offered at both the undergraduate and graduate levels and in the procedures by which graduate students earn their Ph.D.

Faculty & Staff

352 392 0525 SFH 302E

Rebecca A. Butcher

Associate Professor
Photo of Rebecca A. Butcher
352-846-3392 SFH 302B

Jane Dare

Administrative Support Assistant II
352 392 4303 Scott Family Hall 302

Matthew Eddy

Assistant Professor
Photo of Matthew Eddy
352 294 1048 SFH 302C

Gail E. Fanucci

Photo of Gail E. Fanucci
352-392-2345 CLB 311F

Zhongwu Guo

Professor and Scott Chair
Photo of Zhongwu Guo
352-392-9133 SFH 302D
352-392-9865 SFH 302F

Alberto Perez

Assistant Professor
Photo of Alberto Perez
352 392 7009 Leigh Hall 240F

Alix Rexford

Associate Instructional Professor
Photo of Alix Rexford
352-297-6851 LEI 302

Jeffrey D. Rudolf

Assistant Professor
Photo of Jeffrey D. Rudolf
352 294 7221 SFH 302G

Jon D. Stewart

Photo of Jon D. Stewart
352 846 0743 LEI 102