We are pleased to announce the college’s Teaching/Advising Awards Committee has selected Dr. Boone Prentice for the 2023-2024 College Faculty Advising/Mentor Award. The College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (CLAS) started this program to acknowledge and reward outstanding teaching and advising by faculty members which aims to motivate and celebrate exceptional efforts in both teaching and advising by professors. Dr. Prentice consistently demonstrates superior teaching and advising skills that contribute significantly to the overall student learning experiences.
Nominations for these awards are solicited from a diverse group of individuals including students, faculty members, department chairs, and administrators. Dr. Prentice’s success in the competition is a sign of true excellence as many notable CLAS advisors were nominated for this award. A significant number of Dr. Prentice’s nominations came directly from students, evidencing his support and profound influence on their academic pursuits.

Dr. Prentice has also been nominated to represent the college in the university-wide competition administered by the Office of Academic Affairs. This nomination recognizes his potential to be considered among the best advisors across the entire university.