“…the striking new chemistry/chemical biology building sits on the corner of Buckman Drive and University Avenue as if it always should have been there. The building’s dedication took place on Friday, April 21.”
“‘Chemistry is a symbol for what a 21st-century land-grant university should be. Even on our own campus, people don’t realize what a good chemistry department we have. This is a celebration, not just of a building but of a department, not just for what we’ve done, but for what we’re going to do,’ Machen said.”
“Dave Richardson, dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and former chair of the chemistry department, has called the building ‘magnificent’ and ‘marvelous.'”
by Gigi Marino
photography: Betsey Hansen, Tyler Jones, Mirador Studios
For the complete article, check out http://news.ufl.edu/articles/2017/04/new-chemistry-building-opens-its-doors.php
For photos and videos, CLICK HERE.
For department history, CLICK HERE.