“Join graduate student volunteers from the Chemistry Department of UF at Halloween Molecular Mania 2012: Chemistry Day at the Oaks Mall. This free, annual event features an array of interactive demonstrations designed to convey chemistry concepts to the youth of our community. These 15+ demonstrations range from making spider webs and slime, to super-cool chemistry featuring liquid nitrogen, and even imploding soda cans. Kids attending the event have a chance to win cool chemistry prizes in a free raffle. The event will take place this Saturday, October 27th, from 10am-3pm at Dillard’s Court in Oaks Mall. Please feel free to stop by with family and friends, or just to support the department. Graduate student Andrew Powers from the Veige group is organizing this year’s event, which is supported by the National Science Foundation, the ACS-Florida Section, the Chemistry Department, and the UF Center for Catalysis.”