
  • Inviting a J-1 Student Intern

  • Forms Needed From Intern Visitor

    • DS7002
      Click to see instructions.

      The Placement Plan is a key part of the internship program process and must be completed by the UF faculty supervisor. The Placement Plan provides host information, contract requirements as well as very detailed phases, objectives and outcomes for the internship. The Placement Plan also outlines methods of evaluation and supervision issues. The Placement Plan information is not limited to the space provided; additional attachments may be necessary as the plan needs to be very detailed. This document must be signed by the UF faculty supervisor, intern and EVS representative before a DS-2019 is issued. Scanned copies are acceptable. The final approved version of the Placement Plan will be sent to the intern along with their DS-2019. A copy of the final signed Placement Plan must accompany the intern during their visa appointment. An EVS representative will provide the “Sponsor Signature”, “Program Sponsor Name”, “Program Number”, “DUNS number”, and “EIN number”.
    • Acknowledgement of Participation and Verification of English Skills
      The Approval of Participation and Verification of English Skills form provided by EVS covers federal guidelines. The intern’s home school must acknowledge and agree to the requirements of internship participation. This form verifies the intern:
      • Is currently enrolled in and is pursuing a degree at an accredited postsecondary academic institution outside of the U.S.
      • Is in good academic standing.
      • Will fulfill the educational objectives for the current degree program through participation in and successful completion of the U.S. internship.
      • Has approval by the academic department at the home institution to participate in the internship program.
      • Has English language skills sufficient to function on a day-to-day basis in the internship environment. Alternative proof for verifying appropriate English skills are noted on this form.
    • Insurance Verification
      If the intern purchases insurance from one of the providers on the Insurance Reference Guide, a copy of the receipt showing the effective dates of coverage is sufficient. If the intern purchases insurance from another provider, the Insurance Verification Form is required and must be appropriately completed by the health insurance provider to be accepted. An authorized representative of the intern’s health insurance provider must sign off on all the requirements on the form. Faxed or scanned copies are acceptable. Interns who plan to register for UF classes are subject to UF international student health insurance requirements.
    • Proof of Health Insurance Coverage must be in place BEFORE the UFIC approves the DS-7002 (Internship Placement Plan) and creates/issues the DS-2019. This requirement is noted on the DS-7002.
    • Student Intern Form
      This form provides necessary information about the prospective intern that assists the EVS with the creation of the DS-2019. This form is also used to include any dependents to the intern’s SEVIS (Student and Exchange Visitor Information System) record. This form allows the intern to type in the information and it is highly preferred the Student Intern form is typed as this information is used in the SEVIS system. Hand writing which can be hard to read could cause mistakes with information entry which could delay your visa process. The “current address” section on this form is the address which is used to ship the final immigration to the intern unless otherwise informed. A copy of the intern’s current passport is requested.
    • Certification of Financial Responsibility
      (Only needed if you are self-funded.
    • EVS Processing Fee
      ($100.00/each original DS2019)
    • Intern’s Curriculum Vitae or resume (In English)
    • Scanned CLEAR copy of biodata page of intern’s current passport