James D. Winefordner
Professor EmeritusWork Phone: 352-392-0556 Work Fax: 352-392-4651 Work Email: jdwin@chem.ufl.edu
Biographical Info
During the 1960s, we were world leaders in developing atomic fluorescence spectroscopy and phosphorimetry for trace analysis. During the 1960s and 1970s, we were world leaders in using signal-to-noise calculations and measurements to optimize atomic and molecular spectrometric methods. In the 1970s to the present, we have been world leaders in the use of lasers in atomic fluorescence spectrometry, atomic emission breakdown spectroscopy, Raman spectrometry and molecular luminescence spectrometry.
Our research in the past 5 years has been mainly directed towards several unique developments, including the modeling and applications of laser induced plasmas produced in aerosols, on solids, and in liquids. These studies involve measurements of the emission characteristics of various laser plasmas and application of physical principles to obtain fundamental information, including plasma temperatures, species number densities, and line broadening. Our applications of laser plasmas have been applied to both mineral samples as well as organic materials in order to obtain both quantitative results as well as composition. The other current major project involves the development of an imager based upon either resonance ionization or fluorescence of either mercury or cesium atoms in a specially designed cell. This study has involved fundamental spectroscopy studies of Hg and Cs. The imager will detect RayLEI scatter, Raman scatter, and fluorescence and will be used for a number of applications including imaging of skin diseases, varicose veins, arterial blockage of arteries, as well as moving and vibrating objects, such as materials in an assembly line. Although these two major current projects are not the only ones in progress, they demonstrate the current excitement and effort in my research group. Research in the Winefordner group involves a direct collaborative interaction with Professor Nicolo Omenetto and Dr. Ben Smith.