
Khalil A. Abboud

Scientist; Director, Center for X-ray Crystallography
Work Phone: 352-392-9151 Work Fax: 352-846-2040 Website:
University of Florida Department of Chemistry PO Box 117200 Gainesville FL 32611 CLB 111
Photo of Khalil A. Abboud

Biographical Info

The X-Ray laboratory at the University of Florida/Department of Chemistry provides single crystal structure determination expertise to characterize newly synthesized materials. All crystals of Organic, Inorganic, Organometallic, Metal organic and Metal clusters can be analyzed after their X-Ray diffraction patterns and intensities, which are scattered by the electron clouds around atoms, are measured.

Our aim is to provide detailed three-dimensional architectures of molecules in the crystalline state. A knowledge which can be used to confirm the identity of the materials, provide insight to their formation and parameters for the optimization of the synthetic process, and to further our understanding of their microscopic and macroscopic properties.

Additionally, we have collaborative research projects with industrial companies pursuing further knowledge in catalysis and with academic institutions in the field of drug design.

Experience and interest includes: catalysis, chemical crystallography, clusters, coordination chemistry, crystal engineering, data collection and processing, disorder, hydrogen bonding, inorganic compounds, materials science, natural products, organic compounds, organometallic compounds, polymorphism, quasicrystals, semiconductors, small molecules, structural chemistry, structure determination, structure-activity relationships, superconductors, synchrotron radiation, teaching and education, X-ray diffraction, NLO, small molecule.

Categories: all faculty, emeritus
Updated 12 months ago.