About Department
The Department of Chemistry at the University of Florida is a comprehensive department granting bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D. degrees with specialization in all areas including biochemistry, nanochemistry, analytical, inorganic, organic, physical, polymer, synthetic and theoretical chemistry.
The University of Florida ranks in the top five chemistry departments nationally in Ph.D. production and is among the top 20 in bachelor’s graduates. Within the State of Florida, we account for 30 percent of all chemistry degrees, including over 60 percent of all Ph.D.’s. Our department currently has 38 tenure track faculty members, nine teaching and research support faculty members, 50 staff members, over 250 graduate students, and more than 80 postdoctoral and other scientific associates. We invite you to browse our web site to learn more about our exciting research, teaching, and community service activities as well as the people who make them happen.