Faculty Research Faculty Joint Faculty Instructional Faculty Scientists Affiliate and Courtesy Faculty Emeritus Faculty Research Faculty Rodney J. Bartlett Graduate Research Professor 352-392-6974work bartlett@qtp.ufl.eduINTERNET https://bartlett.chem.ufl.edu NPB 2338 and LEI 240Hpostal Coray Colina Professor Emeritus 352-294-3488work colina@chem.ufl.eduINTERNET https://colina.chem.ufl.edu/ 354 LEIpostal Erik Deumens Scientist 352 392 6980work deumens@ufl.eduINTERNET https://deumens.chem.ufl.edu NPB 2334postal Mingjie Liu Assistant Professor 352 294 7548work mliu@chem.ufl.eduINTERNET https://liu.chem.ufl.edu Leigh Hall 240Cpostal David A. Micha Professor Emeritus 352-392-6977work micha@qtp.ufl.eduINTERNET https://people.clas.ufl.edu/Micha/ NPB 2318postal Ramon A Miranda Quintana Assistant Professor 352-392-3489work quintana@chem.ufl.eduINTERNET https://quintana.chem.ufl.edu Leigh Hall 240Hpostal Alberto Perez Assistant Professor 352 392 7009work perez@chem.ufl.eduINTERNET https://perez.chem.ufl.edu Leigh Hall 240Fpostal Adrian E. Roitberg Frank E. Harris Professor 352-392-6972work roitberg@qtp.ufl.eduINTERNET https://roitberg.chem.ufl.edu/ LEI 440postal John F. Stanton William R. Kenan Professor and Division Chair 512 293 9622work johnstanton@chem.ufl.eduINTERNET https://stanton.chem.ufl.edu NPB 2336 and LEI 240Ipostal Instructional Faculty Rodney J. Bartlett Graduate Research Professor 352-392-6974work bartlett@qtp.ufl.eduINTERNET https://bartlett.chem.ufl.edu NPB 2338 and LEI 240Hpostal Coray Colina Professor Emeritus 352-294-3488work colina@chem.ufl.eduINTERNET https://colina.chem.ufl.edu/ 354 LEIpostal Erik Deumens Scientist 352 392 6980work deumens@ufl.eduINTERNET https://deumens.chem.ufl.edu NPB 2334postal Mingjie Liu Assistant Professor 352 294 7548work mliu@chem.ufl.eduINTERNET https://liu.chem.ufl.edu Leigh Hall 240Cpostal David A. Micha Professor Emeritus 352-392-6977work micha@qtp.ufl.eduINTERNET https://people.clas.ufl.edu/Micha/ NPB 2318postal Ramon A Miranda Quintana Assistant Professor 352-392-3489work quintana@chem.ufl.eduINTERNET https://quintana.chem.ufl.edu Leigh Hall 240Hpostal Alberto Perez Assistant Professor 352 392 7009work perez@chem.ufl.eduINTERNET https://perez.chem.ufl.edu Leigh Hall 240Fpostal Adrian E. Roitberg Frank E. Harris Professor 352-392-6972work roitberg@qtp.ufl.eduINTERNET https://roitberg.chem.ufl.edu/ LEI 440postal John F. Stanton William R. Kenan Professor and Division Chair 512 293 9622work johnstanton@chem.ufl.eduINTERNET https://stanton.chem.ufl.edu NPB 2336 and LEI 240Ipostal Scientists Rodney J. Bartlett Graduate Research Professor 352-392-6974work bartlett@qtp.ufl.eduINTERNET https://bartlett.chem.ufl.edu NPB 2338 and LEI 240Hpostal Coray Colina Professor Emeritus 352-294-3488work colina@chem.ufl.eduINTERNET https://colina.chem.ufl.edu/ 354 LEIpostal Erik Deumens Scientist 352 392 6980work deumens@ufl.eduINTERNET https://deumens.chem.ufl.edu NPB 2334postal Mingjie Liu Assistant Professor 352 294 7548work mliu@chem.ufl.eduINTERNET https://liu.chem.ufl.edu Leigh Hall 240Cpostal David A. Micha Professor Emeritus 352-392-6977work micha@qtp.ufl.eduINTERNET https://people.clas.ufl.edu/Micha/ NPB 2318postal Ramon A Miranda Quintana Assistant Professor 352-392-3489work quintana@chem.ufl.eduINTERNET https://quintana.chem.ufl.edu Leigh Hall 240Hpostal Alberto Perez Assistant Professor 352 392 7009work perez@chem.ufl.eduINTERNET https://perez.chem.ufl.edu Leigh Hall 240Fpostal Adrian E. Roitberg Frank E. Harris Professor 352-392-6972work roitberg@qtp.ufl.eduINTERNET https://roitberg.chem.ufl.edu/ LEI 440postal John F. Stanton William R. Kenan Professor and Division Chair 512 293 9622work johnstanton@chem.ufl.eduINTERNET https://stanton.chem.ufl.edu NPB 2336 and LEI 240Ipostal